Sunday, October 30, 2011

Do not give up and be smart

It is common that the autistic children do not pay attention for long time to teaching lessons . Usually, they get bored or get  stressed when you try to teach they something. Then, if you want to teach him or her the communication basics using the "Autism Speech DiegoSays" app our advices are:

1. "Be smart": try use, first, the things that they like most, and try that they ask you for these things using the device until him or her get the ability to push the options.

2. "Do not give up": be pacient and persistent, remember that one of the keys of the Applied Behavior Analisis, one of the most succesfull method for autism,  is the "intensity". Then, you must to repeat, repeat and repeat until he or her learn to communicate.

3. "Do not over-stimulate the child": The autistic children could not handle a lot of enviromental stimulus. Thus, try to teach him or her in quiet enviroment, without any other information than the teaching lessons.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The best teaching strategy

The help of a speech therapist to improve the communication skills of your children is very important, but are the fathers who better know the needs of autistic children and their particularities. Thus, you must think well which should be the faster way to increase the communication skills of you children.

We think that a possible strategy for non-verbal autistics children is to use an easy picture-to-voice application in order to teach him or her the basics of comunication (such as Autism Speech app) . Then, after the child master this app, we think it could less efective increase the complexity of  the picture-to-voice app and instead of this, try to use a very simple way to teach they to write.

This is our next objective:  develop a very easy way to teach autistic children to write.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

About MindAwakener NEW!!

Hello every body. We have released the first version of MindAwakener, this version uses the water for teaching the alphabet. It have been shown in several interviews with non-verbal autistic children and that could communicate by another ways, that they were storing information continuosly, even when they could not express or feedback this information. Then why not try to improve the information they store?

This is the idea of the new serie of applications MindAwakener we will use the desire of childrens to play with water and spinning things and  teach they some things that could be usefull for their lives.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The first step

The first step is the most dificult. Remember this, and then make your own strategy to teach your child.

One of the characteristics of autism is the hyperactivity. Thus if you are planning to use an app to teach him or her the basic communication elements, then the consistency and repetition are the key elements. Remember that your children preferences are more important than your own preferences.

Using and application with many options and change the interface constantly will not help you children if he or her do not have the pacience for look for the correct option.

The Autims Speech app was designed to teach the basic elements of communication, the first step of your children. Thats why it has a very easy and simple way to access to more options as possible.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The importance of communication

The  documentary Autism is a world (2004) reveals the importance of communication for autistic children.

Here is a short part of this documentary:

The subject of this film is Sue Rubin, a woman with autism who was considered mentally retarded as a child. At the age of thirteen, she learned to express herself through a computer keyboard revealing that she was in fact highly intelligent. She went on to study history, specializing in Latin Americal History at Whittier College


Saturday, August 13, 2011

About AutismSpeech Pro Customization

Remember that AutismSpeech only have recorded voices by the default in English, for recording voices in other languages go to Settings->Picture and Voices then push in any of the images and change the image, record the voice or change the text to your language.

If you have any trouble and want to restore the default images, text or voices go to Settings -> Restore default

Monday, August 8, 2011

Keep updating the apps

Dear users and costumers the number of users of the AutismSpeech series have significatively increased since last month when it was released.

The types of devices using this application have also increased. If you have some issue during the use of the application, please remember to update: go to Android market  -  My apps. There is a list of the applications that have updates. Green bubble continuosly update the applications with new and better options.

Friday, August 5, 2011

New updates for released applications

We have released new updates of the AutismSpeech DiegoSays and Small Phone Diego Says.

For Small Phone (free)

New updates:
- Images adapted to any screen size
- 7 Interface languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, German, Dutch, Chinese.
- You can change the number of vocalization loops

For the DiegoSays Pro


 - Have 7 interface languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew, French, German,  Dutch  and Chinese.
 - The Image labels can be changed 
 - The voices can be recorded 
 -The  images can be changed using the image gallery or camera 
 - The number of vocalization loops can be changed
 - The images adapt to any screen size

Friday, July 29, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Autism Android applications for small phones

We have released a new version of the AutismSpeech DiegoSays for small phones such as Samsung Europa type. If you have any Android Phone and you can't access to our applications, please write your opinion in this blog

Friday, July 15, 2011

About Released applications

Do you have downloaded AutismSpeech DiegoSays or HablaFácil DiegoDice ?. What can you tell about this applications ?. Do have any complaints ?. What elements do you think could be added to this app ?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Playing with water

I'm working in an application that will allow to the children to play with  the water and learn at the same time. Tell me what do you think about that ?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Spinning and water

The spinning of objects and playing with water are two of the things that diverges autistic children from the real world. I'm working in application to use this fact to teach reading.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two android applications have been released

Hello, every one, I have uploaded in the Android Market two applications that can be useful for kids with speech problems such as non-verbal autistic children.

The applications are:

AutismSpeech DiegoSays I ( English version )


HablaFácil Autismo DiegoDice I ( Spanish version)


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dos aplicaciones Android gratis para niños autistas o niños con problemas del lenguaje

Hoy en la madrugada colgue en el sitio del Android market dos aplicaciones que pienso pueden ser muy utiles para facilitar la comunicación de los niños autistas u otros niños que tengan problemas para comnicarse.

Los nombres de estas dos aplicaciones son:

 AutismSpeech DiegoSays I  ( La version en ingles)


HablaFácil Autism DiegoDice I  ( La version en español)

Si tienen algún dispositivo con Androide pueden entrar al sitio y descargarla sin costo alguno.