Friday, July 29, 2011

News from autism research

We will post regulary some news about autism research. This is the first one

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Autism Android applications for small phones

We have released a new version of the AutismSpeech DiegoSays for small phones such as Samsung Europa type. If you have any Android Phone and you can't access to our applications, please write your opinion in this blog

Friday, July 15, 2011

About Released applications

Do you have downloaded AutismSpeech DiegoSays or HablaFácil DiegoDice ?. What can you tell about this applications ?. Do have any complaints ?. What elements do you think could be added to this app ?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Playing with water

I'm working in an application that will allow to the children to play with  the water and learn at the same time. Tell me what do you think about that ?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Spinning and water

The spinning of objects and playing with water are two of the things that diverges autistic children from the real world. I'm working in application to use this fact to teach reading.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Two android applications have been released

Hello, every one, I have uploaded in the Android Market two applications that can be useful for kids with speech problems such as non-verbal autistic children.

The applications are:

AutismSpeech DiegoSays I ( English version )


HablaFácil Autismo DiegoDice I ( Spanish version)


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dos aplicaciones Android gratis para niños autistas o niños con problemas del lenguaje

Hoy en la madrugada colgue en el sitio del Android market dos aplicaciones que pienso pueden ser muy utiles para facilitar la comunicación de los niños autistas u otros niños que tengan problemas para comnicarse.

Los nombres de estas dos aplicaciones son:

 AutismSpeech DiegoSays I  ( La version en ingles)


HablaFácil Autism DiegoDice I  ( La version en español)

Si tienen algún dispositivo con Androide pueden entrar al sitio y descargarla sin costo alguno.