Sunday, October 30, 2011

Do not give up and be smart

It is common that the autistic children do not pay attention for long time to teaching lessons . Usually, they get bored or get  stressed when you try to teach they something. Then, if you want to teach him or her the communication basics using the "Autism Speech DiegoSays" app our advices are:

1. "Be smart": try use, first, the things that they like most, and try that they ask you for these things using the device until him or her get the ability to push the options.

2. "Do not give up": be pacient and persistent, remember that one of the keys of the Applied Behavior Analisis, one of the most succesfull method for autism,  is the "intensity". Then, you must to repeat, repeat and repeat until he or her learn to communicate.

3. "Do not over-stimulate the child": The autistic children could not handle a lot of enviromental stimulus. Thus, try to teach him or her in quiet enviroment, without any other information than the teaching lessons.